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If you received an exposure notification through the BENApp app, it means that you were likely in close contact with an anonymous BENApp user who has been verified to have COVID-19. Close contact means you spent 15 minutes or more within 2 meters of that person or people over the course of a day and may have become infected.

If you were in close contact with someone who has COVID-19, you will need to stay at your home/accommodation and away from others for up to 14 days, even if you do not have any symptoms. You will also need to get tested, preferably at least five days after exposure. The app will give you a date range when the exposure likely happened.

Stay at your home/accommodation in self-quarantine and contact or phone 246.536.4500 right away to get a test date for COVID-19 and be put in contact with your nearest public health team. Download BIMSafe, Barbados companion app to BENApp exposure notice, to help with monitoring yourself for symptoms and visit the BIMSafe website for more details and information.

Do not end your self-quarantine or leave your accommodations except on the advice of public health officials.